Thursday, August 30, 2012

Topics I plan to cover

This is a list of topics I plan to cover. I may end up changing the order.

Intelligent Design vs Guided Evolution and real science
Generation ships
The why of space travel
Home Automation and smart home building
NASA and the government
New Space
Marine Biology
Star Trek and Science
Earth as a unit

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First post

This is just a quick blog post. The purpose of this blog is to be a platform from which I can pontificate on science. It will include new discoveries, old sidelined discoveries, interesting was to combine technology for something new and the occasional tirade against the ignorance and apathy toward science shown by most of our culture. If there were a way to make an International Space Station reality TV show things might be different.
 "Your last experiment failed to produce results and you've been voted off the station. Pack your bags and get into the Soyuz."
Yeah right.
Anyway, while some things I will cover might be interesting to some people, this is just an excuse to hear my own voice. I'm opinionated. I have an agenda. I will rant. Posts will be on random topics at random intervals. You have been warned.
I will try to avoid setting up straw-man arguments and offending people. I'm NOT here to always point fingers, I want to open peoples eyes to the possibilities. I don't claim to be an expert, but I do claim to have decent broad knowledge in many, many areas. I have a love of learning, especially things that are new. I love the future, it can be a wonderful place. I never grew out of wanting to be an astronaut/scientist/engineer/explorer (/race car driver/millionare).
By the way, I love to be proven wrong (if done respectfully and non-confrontationally) because it can take things into a new and interesting direction. I live in a state of constant wonder - wonder in a world that was the science-fiction of my childhood, chock-full of unexpected twists and turns. We don't have intelligent androids, but who would have thought that the internet would become such a vital part of this world 20 years ago? We don't have flying cars, but our cars are more comfortable with more entertainment options than my living room growing up. I didn't expect that. I am amazed at this world. I hope to share that with you. We live in the future, and it is up to us to make it awesome.